

We offer a wide range of insurance and reinsurance models available at the Macedonian and international insurance market – save the most of your time and leave to professionals.

We’ll work closely with you to identify the risks that need to be mitigated and prevented, and then to negotiate the price and conditions of the insurance coverage until you select the model most appropriate for you.

Our knowledge and expertise give you, to you-our client, an advantage in negotiations with insurance companies. We invest years of professional experience spent in insurance companies, as insurance under writers and top management, for your benefit.

In order for our clients to be well-informed and in compliance with the laws, we particularly make sure to point out the upcoming regulatory changes.



As an insurance brokerage company we act exclusively on behalf of you and we exclusively represent your interests in front of insurance companies.

Particularly whenever losses and claims have been concerned.

Then, there in, we focus our full attention and direct activities, thus providing our clients with prompt and efficient assistance in the procedure of reporting a loss event and assistance with the assessment and liquidation of loss, where our experience and knowledge can make a significant impact on the efficiency of the process.

The meaning of our job in this segment is secure applying of the agreed terms & provisions by the insurance policy to enable leading to fair indemnity determination to our client.



We are particularly proud of having specific expertise and experience in the field of reinsurance. Our team took care of the reinsurance of insurance companies, defining models in cooperation between them and the international reinsurance market, on portfolios based programs such as quota-surplus, XS/SL contracts, or combinations of these and to individual insurance accounts, facultative.



Companies and people are individuals with different priorities who react to different risks and therefore need individual insurance solutions.

Our task is to indicate the standards of the insurance activity and determine the possibility of their polyvalent connection with individualized priorities, in order to define your risk.

What would be the consequences of a harmful event such as an explosion, fire, natural disaster,breakdown of a production line on business and financial results? How to minimize these negative consequences through an appropriate insurance policy?

We have an answer to these challenges.

We carry out risk surveys and risk management from all these aspects and propose appropriate insurance models and consultations for multinational investors and domestic and large companies with a complex risk profile.
